Scale Repair vs. Replacement: Making the Right Choice in Houston, TX
While handling scale systems in an industrial setting, it is very much important that they work properly and with maximum efficiency to meet the operations need. Since most Houston, TX businesses rely heavily on scales both in measuring raw materials as well as finished products, the type of device employed must be at its prime. Today, when a scale breaks down, the question is whether to repair or replace it. Knowing whether to fix or replace can mean the difference in getting operations back up and running before turning to downtime.
Frequently, we encounter a customer such as this one at Industrial Scale & Measurement. You can make the right choice when you know what to choose. There are pros and cons to each, so several factors may make one better than another for your business.
Understanding Scale Failures
Before you decide to repair or replace the scale, it is essential to know what kinds of problems scales can develop with time. Scales happen to be precision instruments; hence even minute problems can result in significant inaccuracies or malfunctions. Some common problems are:
Malfunctions of Load Cell: A load cell is the most sensitive heart of each industrial scale. It converts mechanical forces into an electrical signal. Wear and tear, exposure to harsh environments, or excessive overloads may cause the load cell to fail or lose accuracy after a particular amount of time.
Wiring Issues: Although it’s a widespread problem in the industrial setting, the scale is exposed to large vibration ranges, weight, or water condition that may result in broken or open wiring. This sometimes results in a system that partially fails and at other times is an intermittent error.
Malfunction in Display: The display element of the weighing scale loses clarity and is unresponsive sometimes, often returning incorrect weights. Its cause is due to the internal failure within the display electronics of the scale but also due to environmental external issues.
Calibration drift: Industrial weighing instruments are exposed to drifts in calibration, as a result of environmental conditions, wear of parts, and general utilization. This drift causes a discrepancy in reading in the measurement system, which consequently affects the production quality of the products as well as the business process.
Mechanical Wear: For mechanical balances or hybrid configurations that combine both mechanical and electronic components, the scale’s accuracy would drop with any wear in springs, bearings, or moving parts.
When to repair a Scale
Scales, depending on the period the device has been reliable, often are the first consideration for any business facing malfunctioning equipment. Here are some reasons why repair might be the best choice:
Cost-Saving Solution: Many times the cost to restore a scale is much cheaper than replacing it. If only one part is involved, such as a load cell or wiring, that cost of replacement will run a fraction of a new scale as a replacement. This is especially true for larger or custom scales where replacement would be very costly.
Less Down Time: To most businesses based in Houston, TX, time equates to money. Our technician at Industrial Scale & Measurement will fix most of the problems within a short period. Most of these problems can be remedied without sending your workflow into a tailspin. On the other hand, a replacement will require an order placed for the new unit, installing it, and then recalibrating which will take more time.
Familiar Equipment: When you replace a scale, you are keeping the equipment that your employees are already familiar with. It will save you time on training and ensure that there is no delay in your processes. If your business uses customized scales, repair means time for customization and installation also.
Extended Equipment Life: Scale maintenance and timely fault repair can extend your scale’s life by several years. If your scale is not near the end of its expected life, repairing it will be a good investment because you will be getting maximum service life from your existing equipment.
How to Know If Your Scale Needs Replacement
While replacement may seem like the obvious first course of action, sometimes it is the better choice. Here are a few situations wherein you may want to consider changing the scale:
Frequent Breakdowns: Frequent breakdowns by your scale can soon inflate the cost of recurrent repairs above the real cost of repairs. Other than the general cost of the repairs, frequent breakdowns cause downtime and efficiency losses. With such cases, replacement is usually the cheaper option for long-term benefits.
Scales Outdated Technology: In most industries, the scale technology is advancing these days. The latest versions are well-equipped with all developed features such as digital displays and automated data logging with a facility of wireless connectivity, which reduces complexity and increases accuracy in the process. Instead of upgrading an old and outdated scale, changing it is advisable since upgrading your system will increase your productivity levels and decrease your chances of malfunctioning in the near future.
Vague Calibration: If you find that the weighing scale cannot or has lost significant precision over time and fails to perform calibration, it is then about the time you replace it. Measures are imperative for sustaining the quality of products in tact, meeting industrial requirements and waste minimization. In case no repair can revive your system, look out for a new one.
Extended Equipment Life: Scales, like any equipment, have a life cycle in the sense that their productivity span is only up to a limited amount of time. Chances of their failure tend to increase if the scale is close to the end of its expected lifespan. You may avoid multiple repairs and enjoy a more stable and contemporary system by replacing it.
Considerations When Choosing an Option
At Industrial Scale & Measurement, we advise our customers of Houston to weigh the pros and cons of whether to repair or replace their scales. In making this decision, some of the following factors are considered:
Age of the Scale: If your scale is relatively young, repair is the better option. If it is getting old, you might want to opt for replacement.
Cost of Repairs vs. Replacement: Compare the cost of repairing the current issue with the cost of a replacement. Of course, more aged scales are going to have to be replaced more often, and those costs can add up.
Implications on business operations: If the scale is critical to your operations, and downtime would severely impact your business, the speed of repair versus replacement should be a major consideration.
Future Needs: If you believe your future needs will be greater than what you can provide with the scale then an investment in a more advanced scale will likely be a better decision.
If you are unsure whether to repair or replace your scale, Industrial Scale & Measurement is ready to guide you through it. Our expert based in Houston, TX, will assess the condition of your scale and present clear, honest recommendations about what you should do next. Call us today for expert advice and service so that your balances stay at their best.